Aesthetic Pt. 3 | Totokaelo
Totokaelo is an experience, to say the least. Upon entering you get a full sense of modern contemporary minimalism; but wander a bit more and a strong depth and warmth emerge... Five floors of visual amazingness.
Not only is Totokaelo beautiful on the surface, but it is a hub of diversity. From its beautiful staff, to the artfully curated walls filled with wears and objects. Totokaelo houses a number of well established designer brands, but you will also stumble upon some lesser known independent finds,
Those attracted to Totokaelo, have a strong sense of self.. in their dress and in their lives as a whole. Not just for shopping... Totokaelo is also the perfect place to gather inspiration.
Welcome to New York.
Do yourself a favor and pay them a visit 54 Crosby St. NY, NY

Captured by Noah