It's happening, the time has finally come that I make an even greater effort at accomplishing a long term goal. A continual passion project. Finally overcoming a warring within myself, to execute or to not execute.... I've decided to execute of course
Details of the "La Luna" skirt realigned. Collage created in Photoshop
In the midst of it all, having real heart to hearts with yourself is vital. I have several *Kick myself in the butt* moments a week. I'm in this stage constantly. I must push myself, I must stick to my own deadlines. I must not be fearful. I must shut up, put my head down, and produce quality work consistently.
One night I was laying in bed talking to myself (don't act like you don't do it). Talking to Jehovah God, constantly asking for courage and wisdom and knowledge. This path isn't an easy one to menuver, and we certainly can't do it alone.
There will be much trial and error, many mistakes will be made, but we can't let the fear of mistakes stifle us from taking steps toward accomplishing any of the goals we have set for ourselves.
Emerging as an artist, a creator, a designer, a woman growing more and more into herself.